A.S.D. L’Orto degli Ananassi/Teatro della Brigata – Teatro Gioco (11-13)

L’Orto degli Ananassi, which is based at the Teatro della Brigata, is an artistic collective led by Ilaria Di Luca and Andrea Gambuzza: actors, creators, who trained in some of the major European theater schools (Scuola del Teatro Stabile di Turin directed by Luca Ronconi and Ecole Internationale de Theater Jacques Lecoq of Paris).

The purpose of this meeting was to put the experiences gained through the different languages ​​and contexts explored, at the service of one’s own artistic project, with the intention of staging a theater that could be urgent and evocative.

“We like to tell stories that are usable on multiple levels and we believe that our main task is to excite and entertain, creating shows that keep spectators active: creating surprises, making what is happening as understandable as possible and above all, making the things happen.” (Andrea Gambuzza)

“We bring to the stage original dramaturgies developed as a result of investigative paths, that is documentation on the field and interviews with the direct protagonists of events related to the topic that we intend to deal with. We believe it is right to use words and images deriving from direct immersion in the meanders and flesh of the subject matter rather than articulate sophisticated opinions: our job is to make theater, not literature. ” (Ilaria Di Luc

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