Drama Llama Youth Theatre – Troon 5-7s


Drama Llama Youth Theatre are based in Ayr. They have 4 groups taking part in Season 3 of Positive Stories for Negative Times and are excited to be involved because we want to give our young people the opportunity to work on a bigger project that will pull all the elements of  performance and production together. We’ve become aware that the pandemic has impacted the mental health of the young people we work with, and that many are reflecting the stress they see in their parents around the financial crisis and world events. 

We think that the opportunity to explore and resolve the dichotomy between the perfect and the imperfect will help them find a place of equilibrium and develop resilience and optimism.. They will be working towards creating a Full stage production of Are You A Robot?. 

More about Drama Llama Youth Theatre is based in Ayrshire. We work with young people aged 3-18 delivering drama and theatre workshops within both communities and schools. We currently have around 100 young people attending our weekly community classes. We aim to give young people the opportunity to explore their creativity and expression, make friends and build confidence.

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